Woodbridge School CC 2023

Woodbridge School CC 2023 was the 3rd and final round of the Suffolk Schools cross country. Only those who dinished in the top 50 at the 2nd round are eligable to race. Those who finish in the top 16 at this 3rd and final round will qualify to represent Suffolk in their age group at the Anglian’s cross country race in February.

You can find more details about the event here. https://www.easterncross.org.uk/race22-23-10.htm

Here are some on my favourite photos

This is by far the hard course of the Suffolk school cross country races. It has two steep hills that on each lap with the oldest age groups completing two laps of the course. Providing a really test of ensurance and stamina the athletes have to dig deep to be sucessful in there resecpted age groups.

This event is part of the Suffolk Schools Cross Country series. The 1st round takes place in Octover and is held at the Royal Hospital school at Holbrook. The top 100 athletes in each age group progress thorugh the the next round. Round 2 is held at Ipswich High school in November where the athletes are cut again to only the top 50 athletes in each group progressing to the final round. Woodbridge School 3rd round the top 16 athletes in each age group qualify to reprent Suffolk at the Aglians cross country held in February.

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